My First Taste Of Life In Another World (SOP Journal# 1)

28 Nov

Ever since civilization started, man has always been wondering what life away from the serenity and blue-green beauty of our home was like. However, just last saturday, November 24, 2012, I’ve had my own taste of life in another world.

The day started with the same routine as any normal school day; wake up at 5:30 am, wash my hair, eat breakfast, put on the right clothes, then leave for school. I woke up and spent my morning thinking that what lay ahead of me was nothing to feel special about, but I was later proved wrong by the things I was about to see.

When I arrived at Barangay Salapan with my mentoring group for our Saturday Outreach Program (SOP), several thoughts ran through my mind, most of which were thoughts of getting the SOP over with, and spending the rest of my day laid back comfortably on my bed while listening to my favorite music, coupled with my favorite snacks. After I was introduced to my family, I warmly shook their hands, and immediately put myself in their service. Despite of their situation, however, they did not really make me do any work. Instead, I spent most of the day playing with the children and getting to know them better. I am proud to announce that I was able to spend enough time with them to be able to know that they like Lemonsquare cheesecakes, chocolate filled muffins, playing chess, basketball, and playing with marbles. What shocked me the most in this short but meaningful experience, was how even though they are evidently in poverty, they never fail to show off a huge and heartwarming smile that stretched from ear to ear along their faces; how their happiness would constantly overshadow their sad situation in life, that they were one of the unfortunate ones who were born poor, into a world where many must suffer for a few to live extravagantly. That I, one of the lucky ones who was born and raised in a upper-middle-class family, would always rather choose to look at the bad side of life than the good things that are all around me. That for the times my maids would finish preparing lunch a 20 minutes late, make my bowl of hot chocolate too viscous, and forget to wake me up early in the morning, I would already get furious and would allow this anger to consume my being for the rest of the day. Today, after spending approximately 3 hours with a materially poor family, I have discovered that wealth lies not only in material goods. Rather, real wealth lies at how we view the life we live.

Whenever I make my way to school, I never fail to conjure up thoughts about fulfilling my dreams and ambitions of becoming rich when I grow older. Now, after my first SOP experience for the school year 2012-2013, I have found that as a youth with much opportunity and blessing, I need to learn how to care for the welfare and benefit of others as I gradually accomplish my dreams. After all, we, the Filipino people, are all in this together. It is with this mindset that I wish to spend the rest of our SOP’s.

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