Saturday Outreach Program Journal Entry #3

25 Jan

A few days back, we had our third SOP program. This time, all we did was watch a movie, and have a quick snack with the kids, because of the Ateneans’ presence in Boystown. Despite having lesser time to interact with the kids, I still believe that we spent our time wisely, and productively, as we were able to get to know the  kids better, and how unlike us, they are so easy to please.

Words could not explain the looks on their faces, as they watched a cartoon, in a screen the size of which they have never seen before. They all looked differently, but this time they all had a wide big smile that made each of them look alike. This is yet another thing, from which I have gained insights. I realized that we should be content with what we have, especially since we are more blessed than those kids are. We often fail to see how blessed we are in this world, and as a result, we neglect the things given to us. The utensils in your dining room, your bed in your bed room, your sofa in your living room, and the roof above your head. All these things, are things that many others are not lucky enough to have. Therefore whenever you feel depressed, remember the blessings you received, and give thanks and praise to the almighty and merciful God, who has showered us with countless blessings.

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