Saturday Outreach Program Journal Entry #2

15 Jan

Just yesterday, I had my second session of the SOP, after which I had mixed emotions. I felt happy that I was able to impart even a small bit of love within their hearts, and sad to see some of them not willing to share the food we gave them with the other kids who did not have enough. This is something about them I hope to change through the coming weeks, not by force but by showing them what it really means to be generous. I want them to know that they can find happiness and success through the good deeds they accomplish, and that even the act of sharing a bag of chips with another can make a difference.

From this session, I learned that the reason why I am so happy to spend time with these kids, is because when I see them, I also see myself. Through them, I am reminded of the times that I too, am not willing to share my food with others, despite having much more than those kids in boystown did. This made me realize that like those kids, I’m human; I’m not perfect. How can one make the world a land of love and respect, if he himself, is not a person of love and respect? Thus before changing those kids, I first need to change myself, and be a good example to them.

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