Saturday Outreach Program Journal Entry #1

8 Jan

Never before have I felt so lucky and blessed, until I visited the Boys home or “Boys’ town” in Marikina City, a place where less fortunate kids who are often abandoned by their parents stay.

A few weeks ago, my mentoring group was assigned to go to Boys’ town where we will conduct our Saturday Outreach Program for four weeks. My initial feeling was sadness, as I was disappointed that we were not assigned to go to Kythe, a place for kids with serious diseases. My thoughts, however, turned around completely as I saw the glimmering faces of kids who had a very sad history, laugh, play, and have a good time. As soon as these kids were instructed to choose their partners, I immediately felt a thump on my leg, and looked down to see a small, innocent, and excited boy holding and pulling my hand, telling me to follow him. While he was showing me around the area, he was telling me about things like school, his wishes, and rumors around boys’ town, as if he was a normal boy. We were exchanging thoughts, stories, and opinions until we bid each other goodbye. This experience really struck my heart, and I promised myself that I would do what I can to make his life better and more meaningful. I learned that I am very blessed indeed, as I am fortunate enough to have a loving family, a good education, and sufficient food, unlike most of the kids around us who are forced to work by their parents. I also learned that God is truly a good God, as he truly takes care of his children who are in need, like those kids who were able to end up in boys town, where they are shown love by those who are selfless enough to work in such an area. This experience definitely removed the veil from my face, and for this I am truly grateful.

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